Potty Time

I have been pretty horrible about potty training. I do not think Soph is showing all of the readiness signs for potty training but why not take a stab at it, right? She loves her potty. Her princesses go to the potty. Stuffed animals go to the potty. Sophie has started mentioning if she has a wet or poopy diaper. We are making progress. Sometimes, when Sophie gets in her “yoga pose” we know she is about to take a poop. Sometimes we’ll ask her if she is, and she says, “no.” Sometimes we rush her to the potty. We don’t always make it but for the first time ever on Tuesday, she made it to the potty in time AND she was happy about it. (She has gone on the potty before, but she cried afterwards.)


Meanwhile, in the other room, Sophia’s cheerleader was doing tummy time.


One thought on “Potty Time

  1. Way to go, Sophia!! What a big girl! This is a perfect picture to show her dates when she gets older.

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