Kickin it on the Facetime

Soph and I have a long history with Facetime. I might even say we are the best ever at it. Here’s a photo from the archive of Soph driving me around.


We’ve been having some epic hangouts lately. She sat next to me on the couch and Anthony was my surrogate in a game of chase last week. Soph and I played in the laundry hamper this weekend. It’s kinda her thing. She puts me in first and then joins me.

sophie hamper

Saturday, Soph incorporated Miss Emma into the mix. It looks a little something like this on my end (til Katie saves Emma).


If you added a Joey to this mix, I think my heart might explode…and Emma’s danger level would shoot way high up.

sophie and emma


sophie and emma


sophie and emma

Our babysitter slept in

So Sophia decided to sleep in this morning, which left Anthony and me to take care of Joey on our own.

Uncle Anthony got some cuddle time in before he had to go to bed. Joey just snuggles right in to him.


Joey and I even got to cuddle. That’s very rare when Sophie is around.


When she finally woke up,


Sophie even let him be for a little while

before finally taking over for us.

(Banana in one hand and a rattle in another. She’s just toying with this little five month old boy.)

Later, they had a nice discussion comparing their favorite Muppets.

It sounds like they disagree.