Make lemonade

When you wake up before six and would really like to be grouchy that your day is just not going your way, you head into town for a walk and breakfast. Walks and outside are a couple of Sophia’s love languages so it ended up being a perfect excursion for the four of us.







Father’s Day

Sophie’s daddy was stuck at work all weekend long. Total bummer. We did get to see her uncles and grandpas, though. These are my favorite shots. I know both girls are in them, but I just love the way Sophia looks.


20140620-154622-56782755.jpgShe is a balance of so frustrating and so impossibly sweet all wrapped up into her teeny, little, growing body. She looks like a little girl but I have to constantly remind myself (and her daddy) that she is two. She is still learning. We are all so crazy about you, Sophie Grace!


This girl. She loves to dress like a princess. Her idea of beautiful is so creative.




20140401-221836.jpgDoesn’t she look so little? Clearly she is on track to be the weird kid whose underwear are always sticking out of their pants.



20140401-222335.jpg She has been finding random clothes to dress up in. She wore my prom dress (yep! Still have it!) and my nightgown (which makes me sound like her grandma- sorry mom but you are her grandma and you do love a good nightgown) before this dress.


She isn’t still often. When she is, she surprises me.

20140401-201346.jpg She likes to read. She has started to read the stories she knows aloud. I love listening when she thinks no one is. So sweet. I love when she reads “Click, Clack, Moo.”


20140401-201710.jpg I never see her sit as still as when she gets her toes done. This was from before church last Sunday. She, no lie, does not move while I paint her tiny toenails. Then she waves them dry. Oh, I love her!

Doing Dishes

I guess I thought we would have a little while longer, but Sophie wanted to do the dishes, so I let her.




20140330-220709.jpg Yea, right. I was nursing Emma when I heard Sophia head to her room and begin dragging something down the hallway. I thought she was bringing her easel to the family room. When I heard her rustling around the kitchen, our nursing session got cut short so we could assess how dangerous the situation was. Sophie was standing on her stool (, which she uses to climb into bed,) filling the sink with water and dish soap. Oh, Sophia! You keep me on my toes.