
She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. (Even though she keeps getting out of bed over and over AND OVER again.)




Sorry some are a little blurry. My iphone camera can’t quite catch her ever changing poses.

Morning fun

So at first I didn’t like any of these shots. They are blurry. She isn’t posed exactly how I’d like her to be. Then, I realized how much of her personality they captured. Try to ignore the imperfections and focus on her sass. She has plenty. And she thinks that is how headbands should be worn she she is a trendsetter. Her grandma would be so proud!







It was bound to happen. Today, I am officially a mom. “I can’t love you, Mommy!”


IMG_1649.JPG“Be quiet! I need to talk to Daddy!” All because I would not let her have lemonade with lunch. I have to admit that I thought I had a few more years before she told me this. Anthony reassured me that at least one of our children is on my side.

IMG_1654.JPG Thanks, Emma. And Sophie already told me she loves me again, so all is well.


We made it through a car trip to and a whole shopping trip at Target with one braided pigtail.


IMG_1445.JPG That is huge. You haven’t let us fix your hair for about almost a year. So we can work with your “mullet” for now. (She is business on her braided side an party on the wild and loose side.) You are still just the prettiest.

Now we work on keeping your shoes on…


You call your daddy “Anthony Daddy”. So weird and makes it sound like you have more than one daddy. And you like to choose your clothes. Dresses preferred. The fancier, the better.

IMG_1415.JPGThose black patent leather shoes did not come off the whole day. You even wore them during nap. Jewelry falls in the more the better category. You are so honest about what you do. I love it. (Today you came and told me you hit Emma on the head. At least you were honest. We’ll keep working on your manners and behavior.) Potty training is coming along, though there are still accidents. I truly believe when you have an accident it is for one of two reasons: you are too busy to stop to go or you are feeling frustrated by sharing our attention. Lately, more than ever before in these past twelve months, I feel like you are missing our sole, undivided attention. Fortunately, there are moments like this that make me know we haven’t really ruined your life.





IMG_0657.JPGYou asked to hold her each and every time. And a few more of Sophie style (did I mention you can go from fully dressed to completely naked before I realize you aren’t standing next to me.)


