Bonus old post because my original one partially disappeared.
You can tell how successful the nap was when you walk in to find this
Yep. Not even a light bulb left. And we couldn’t even find it at first. This is what it looked like to begin with
Sophie has been big on apples lately. Maybe she senses fall is upon us. She asked for an apple while we watched a little bit of The Muppet Movie. This is what I got back from her
Notice how she totally disregarded the change in texture and just ate the core too. At least she wasn’t wasteful.
(Somehow the original post was partially eaten.)
We visited the arboretum and walked around the lake looking at all the scarecrows. We let you walk on your own (one of our best ideas) and put Emma in the stroller. You loved running from scarecrow to scarecrow, especially the ones with dresses. (You also really enjoyed watching the airplanes fly overhead.)
You turned around and yelled, “Cheese!” while I took your picture.
See the little wristlet you have on in this picture. You wanted to wear it so I let you (another brilliant move). When we got back to the car, we didn’t have it. Fortunately, some kind soul returned it to the information desk. While we waited for Daddy to retrieve it, I put Emma in the car and put the stroller away. You climbed out of your seat (you weren’t fastened in) and into the front seat to grab something to drink.