My Big Girl

Sophie was such a huge help watching Joey again. They were both so kind to each other. Sophie talked to Joey and comforted him. Joey tried not to look too afraid of Sophie.

Sophie is getting braver with her steps. She walked across the kitchen this evening with no incentive, but plenty of praise afterward. We are hoping she’ll be more proficient by her doctor’s appt. in a couple weeks. She is becoming a more independent eater, too.

Sometimes she forgets her manners. No one has had the heart to tell her that Mardi Gras is over.


Baby-sitters Club

Sophie and I arrived bright and early to hang out with Joey. She dove right in to her responsibilities.

There no doubt that Joey was created with Sophie in mind. What other 3 month old could take this without flinching an eye? Fortunately, they both have a thing for singing puppets.

Sophie has been so helpful. She keeps Joey company,

gives him kisses,

and cheers him on during tummy time.


She is especially good at shoving his paci in his mouth. (We are still working on “gentle”.) After all that work, a girl deserves a good breakfast.

(Contrary to that face, she devoured her breakfast, powdered sugar included.)


Went to the grocery store today. Before I got in line, I realized I didn’t have my wallet. This little girl has been going through her mommy’s purse and taking things out.


Usually it is lipstick or a nail file. Today is was my wallet. She is trouble.

Art Class

After breakfast, we worked with some markers. She loves pens, but her pressure isn’t there yet. I figured markers would be more rewarding. She might even see some lines.


We are also working on not eating the markers.


