You call your daddy “Anthony Daddy”. So weird and makes it sound like you have more than one daddy. And you like to choose your clothes. Dresses preferred. The fancier, the better.
Those black patent leather shoes did not come off the whole day. You even wore them during nap. Jewelry falls in the more the better category. You are so honest about what you do. I love it. (Today you came and told me you hit Emma on the head. At least you were honest. We’ll keep working on your manners and behavior.) Potty training is coming along, though there are still accidents. I truly believe when you have an accident it is for one of two reasons: you are too busy to stop to go or you are feeling frustrated by sharing our attention. Lately, more than ever before in these past twelve months, I feel like you are missing our sole, undivided attention. Fortunately, there are moments like this that make me know we haven’t really ruined your life.
You asked to hold her each and every time. And a few more of Sophie style (did I mention you can go from fully dressed to completely naked before I realize you aren’t standing next to me.)
These are the best! That blue half top is actually from the dog she built with uncle danny! so is the necklace!!! I feel so happy that Emma can crawl and is working on walking, sometimes she needs a say in how much love she gets!
Sophia, you are the fanciest little girl that I know with the biggest personality and you love your sister fiercely…sometimes a bit too fierce for Emma’s (and your parent’s) taste. I cannot wait to see what amazing things you can do when you harness all of your creative energy!