
This girl. She loves to dress like a princess. Her idea of beautiful is so creative.




20140401-221836.jpgDoesn’t she look so little? Clearly she is on track to be the weird kid whose underwear are always sticking out of their pants.



20140401-222335.jpg She has been finding random clothes to dress up in. She wore my prom dress (yep! Still have it!) and my nightgown (which makes me sound like her grandma- sorry mom but you are her grandma and you do love a good nightgown) before this dress.


She isn’t still often. When she is, she surprises me.

20140401-201346.jpg She likes to read. She has started to read the stories she knows aloud. I love listening when she thinks no one is. So sweet. I love when she reads “Click, Clack, Moo.”


20140401-201710.jpg I never see her sit as still as when she gets her toes done. This was from before church last Sunday. She, no lie, does not move while I paint her tiny toenails. Then she waves them dry. Oh, I love her!