Yesterday, while I went to my doctor appointment, Sophie was lucky to hang out with Maddie, Annie, and Audrey. (Thanks, Ann!) When we arrived, one of their cats was meandering through the family room. Sophie loved him! She honestly reminded me of her Uncle Danny when he was little. I remember visiting Aunt Jan’s and Uncle Phil’s house and Danny running around their house (honestly- to the bathrooms, bedrooms, basement, everywhere) trying to pet the cats. Well, Maddie’s cat is no dummy. He went upstairs pretty quickly. Annie put the gate up to prevent little ones (mostly Sophie, Maddie didn’t seem as interested in the cat) from going up and down the stairs for the visit. (Look at Maddie watching Sophie. So cute! She was probably wondering why Sophia would think that cat would ever come to her.)

The cat is honestly lying about two steps further up then you can see in the photo. She really wanted to see (actually touch- think Elmyra) that cat. Clearly she comes from a dog house as she was far too interested in the cat for the cat to want to be anywhere near her.

Soph looks slightly creepy in this photo but I really have to hand it to Ann for capturing a head on shot that isn’t in motion. I don’t know if I have ever done that. Plus, Maddie looks so sweet sitting there smiling at Sophie while she’s all dazzled up with beads. How cute!) And actually Sophie’s little face looks pretty sweet, too. Maybe she was tired (or confused?). Who knows.

Maddie has quite an assortment of food for her kitchen. Sophie really enjoys kitchens and play food. (Her Grandma Lisa has a play kitchen she loves, too.) Apparently, Sophie tried to put a baby in the microwave while I was gone. Yikes!
Though I have no photos of Audrey, she’s really a trooper to put up with Sophie. Sophie loves her nearly as much as the cat, and Audrey isn’t able to create boundaries for herself yet. She’s gotta be one tough cookie to put up with Sophie.
Thanks ladies for a fun visit!