Night one in her big girl bed

Where is Sophie?


Yep. She is in her crib. That was Daddy’s choice. We could have been up all night.

She freaked out when we put her in there and closed the door. I went back in and stayed in there, next to her, for a while. I pretended to be asleep. She patted my back and gave me kisses. So loving and compassionate! Finally, Anthony came in and took over. He stayed with her for about thirty minutes before putting her in her crib. We’ll try again tomorrow at nap time. (I can remember getting out of bed at our old house and sitting in the hallway on my stool. I am not quite sure why I thought we would put her in there and she would just fall asleep. I am delusional. Even the lady that works at Menards agrees. That’s a whole other story, though.)

And since the other photo is Sophie-less, here is a shot of her “working” at Ikea. I literally had to take her kicking and screaming from the office area. She loves “working” on computers.
