
Sophie turned four months on the 18th. We went for her doctor’s visit this morning. She did well with her shots. I hate them. We have almost the same number of tears. What a big girl (or a string bean as our nurse called her)! Very happy, healthy, and talkative. (I wonder where she gets that…)

Weight: 11lbs. 11 oz.; 25% (She was 7 lbs 7 ounces at two weeks and 9 lbs. 9 oz at two months. Can we guess she’ll be 13 lbs 13 oz at six months?)

Height: 23.5 in; 50%

Head: 25% (Very happy with the progress here. She was 10% at two months. What a little peanut-head!)





I included some similar shots to show her working her legs. She’s very busy and loves her hands. The thought of her crawling and walking is scary. She’s going to be fast.